Get Involved

What's on every week at Shiloh Centre, 19 Russell St, Toowoomba?


  •  9-10am: Prayer, Worship, Lord's Table
    10:30am - 12md: Discipleship Class "Rightly dividing the Word of Truth"


  • flamelgThursday:

    9:30am - 12:30pm: Ministry Training School
    (open for all who are wanting discipleship and to be trained to minister the gospel of Jesus the Christ)



    10am - 12md: SHILOH Christian Fellowship Sunday Gathering (Cuppa and luncheon afterwards)

    Join us for a family gathering of "living stones in the House of God".
    We continue in the pattern shown us in Acts 2:42, where the church continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers.
    Our mornings together are always filled with the Holy Spirit, being built together as a dwelling place for God in the Spirit Come and meet with Jesus!

flamelgMonthly Training afternoon at SHILOH: Dates Coming soon!

A time of interactive discipleship, training and equipping for all ages. "Reasoning" together in the Word and growing in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


flamelgWEEKLY Zoom meetings -

Sunday - 4pm worship, prayer, Lord's Table and sharing from word

Monday night at 7.30pm - International Missions prayer meeting