flamelg SHILOH Christian Fellowship

We welcome you to join us in Holy Spirit filled fellowship. At SHILOH Christian Centre we love Jesus and desire to continue in the pattern Jesus and his apostles taught in the Scriptures. The Church is not a building but we are the church, the body of Christ, a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. We are being built together as living stones. We continue steadfastly in the apostle doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers.
Our heart is to see every member of Christ's body revived and functioning as He has created each one, fulfilling the commission Jesus has given us to 'Go and make disciples of all nations'.

  • We meet every Sunday morning
  • 10am - 12md (followed by a cuppa and luncheon)
  • 19 Russell Street, Toowoomba

The Team at SHILOH welcome you!


Nicholas Jackson, an apostle of Jesus Christ with his wife Pastor Rhoda Jackson


Paul Galligan, an apostle of Jesus Christ and his wife Pastor Janet Galligan