Manuals for Discipleship and Training

Him we Preach Cover The Good Confession 2017 MANUAL COVER

Manuals or printed notes are available for all courses and seminars. All manuals are A4 size and have a simple plastic binding. These manuals are available to download below.

There is no charge for the manuals, as a ministry we are dependent upon donations and the generous giving of the saints. If you wish to reproduce these manuals for your own use please read the following Publication Policy.

Publication Policy:
It is advised that all of RMA teaching and study manuals are copyrighted. However, they are offered to the Body of Christ in obedience to the LORD'S command to make disciples "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" Matt. 28:20.
Therefore they may be copied without modification and distributed for teaching purposes on a not for profit basis.
Copyrighted to Paul Galligan or Jean Manning 1999-2003

To download the manual as PDF, click on the manual title

Children and Teenagers

Milk of the Word

Church Planting




Training Resources