Outreach Flyers

These flyers have been designed for the purpose of outreach and small group discussions around very important and relevant issues in the Word of God.
To view the flyers click on the links below to download. The flyers are printed on A4 paper and need to be folded quarterly.

Do_not_believe_ God_or_Monkeys

Great_South_Land How_Did_God_Make_us

The_King_Has_Given_a_Command The_Lords_Prayer

The_Miracle_of_Life The_Truth_about_Homosexuality

There_is_Only_One_God Warning_Men

Warning_Women What_is_Marriage

Adultery.jpg Are you afraid of death.jpg

Did you know.jpgSeek and you shall find.jpg

What on earth.jpgGod is our Father.jpg

Jesus the Son of GodThe Holy Spirit