Making Disciples

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
  • fear God and keep His commandments for this is man's all
  • God will bring every work into judgment (everything will be tested)
  • All else is vanity
Matthew 28:18-20
  • All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth
  • Go, therefore
  • Make disciples of all nations
  • Baptising and teaching them
  • I am with you till the end of the age
  • God will back us as we fulfil the Great Commission.
Isaiah 8:16
  • "Limmud" - Hebrew word for disciple
  • V.16 - (Rev 19:10) bind up the testimony, 
  • The testimony of Jesus is to be bound in us
  •  seal the law among my disciples 
  • the Word of God is to be sealed in us
Isaiah 54:13
  • all your children shall be taught (discipled) by Yahweh
  • great shall be the peace of your children
Isaiah 50:4
  • The LORD has given me the tongue of the learned (limmud - disciple)
  • Able to speak the word of God in season
  • He awakens my ear to hear (ears are open to the word of God)
  • Disciples learn to hear God speak
Jesus made disciples - He is our example
  • Luke 10:1-2 - 70 disciples sent out by Jesus
  • 120 disciples in the upper room
  • 500 saw Jesus alive from the dead
Luke 6:12-13
  • Jesus chose 12 to be trained as apostles from among his disciples
  • We are all called to be disciples
  • Jesus gave Himself to the task of discipleship
Disciple - Greek word "mathetes"

1. a learner (one who gives themselves to learn) humble and submitted
2. one who follows another's teaching
3. seen to be a disciple by abiding (living) in the word (they love the word)
4. one who sticks like glue (adheres) to the teacher (they go wherever the teacher goes and follow their lifestyle)
5. one who imitates the teacher

Discipleship is joining yourself to a teacher. You learn from them, are taught their ways, manner of life and their doctrine.

(Based on commitment)

Peter and the apostles of Jesus made disciples

Acts 6:1
  • the number of disciples was multiplying
  • the 12 summoned the multitude of the disciples
  • 7 were chosen
  • The word of God spread and the number of disciples greatly multiplied
Acts 8:4
  • those who were scattered in persecution, went everywhere preaching the word
  • they had been discipled by the apostles in Jerusalem
  • the fruit of discipleship is that disciples are raised who can preach the word of God (Acts 11:19)

Paul and Barnabas (ascension gift apostles) also made disciples

Acts 14:14 - Paul and Barnabas were apostles
Acts 14:19-22
  • Paul had just been stoned and left for dead
  • Some disciples gathered around him and Paul got up
  • They had preached the gospel and made many disciples
  • they returned and strengthened the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, through many tribulations
  • Disciples need to be taught the pure word of God.

The local churches that the apostles established made disciples

Acts 16:1-3
  • a certain disciple named Timothy was there
  • he was well spoken of
  • the church had continued in making disciples
  • the local church is meant to be making disciples
  • Paul wanted Timothy to come with him to train him in ministry

The great apostleship (commission) is to disciple all nations

Romans 1:5
  • through Christ we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name
  • people within every nationality made obedient to the faith

We must first be disciples ourselves.

We must then open our lives to the brethren, so that they may learn from us.
Jesus was available to His disciples.
Paul had a number of people with him so that they would learn the ministry.
Disciples need to allow themselves to be corrected.

Matthew 10:24-25

  • a disciple is not above his teacher (a true disciple needs to be submitted, be willing to put themselves under)
  • Discipleship challenges us.

2 Timothy 3:10

  • you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, love, perseverance
  • as disciples we need to be careful not to bring any other doctrine
Teach the doctrine of the Word of God that you have learned from your teacher
Paul gave Timothy an inheritance by imparting his lifestyle as an example for Timothy to follow
We need to have a manner of life that others can follow.
Follow and continue in the same purpose.
Discipleship is for all believers.

How do we disciple?

1. preach the gospel (Mark 16:15)
2. baptise those who believe (Mark 16:16)
3. teach those who are baptised (Matt 28:19-20)

This teaching on 'Making Disciples' is from the Blow the Trumpet in Zion Manual, Session 11 by Nick Jackson