Discipleship Courses
For Christian ministers and serious disciples
These courses have been prepared for brethren who are serious disciples of the word of God and there are four courses available.
Listed Below under each Discipleship Course is a list of the manuals and chapters that are covered in each Course. You can click on 'Course Content' to get to the Course
- Nine modules based on the teaching manuals and two seminars.
- Verse by verse study of gospels of Matthew and Mark
- Seven modules based on the teaching manuals, the book 'Walking in Our Inheritance' and two seminars.
- Verse by verse studies of gospels of Luke and John
- The book 'Apostles Today' and four modules based on the teaching manuals plus actual teaching from nine teaching brochures.
- Verse by verse study of book of Acts and Hebrews
- Eight modules based on teaching manuals plus actual teaching from ten teaching brochures.
- Verse by verse study of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians
Scripture Studies
Each course includes verse by verse studies of books of the New Testament. In Cert 1 and Cert II, we recommend that the class reads through the Scriptures together, making sure that all participants understand the Word. In Cert III and Cert IV, we recommend that students are nominated each week to prepare the studies and lead the studies in small groups of 6-10 people.
Each certificate course includes practical components.
• Memorizing Scriptures in particular subject areas, with at least one verse per week in Cert I and II and short passages in Cert III and IV.
• The regular celebration of the Lord's Supper
• Disciplined reading of the Scripture - the whole Bible in one year.
Certificates will be issued at the end of each course to those who successfully complete the course.
There needs to be a seminar:
1. At the beginning of the course to introduce apostolic teaching to the disciples and,
2. At the end of the course to complete the teaching and graduate the successful students. Seminars need to be presented by an apostle or apostolic teacher.
Curriculum - based on manuals, books, teaching tracts and a verse by verse study of various books of the New TestamentThe manuals and books that are to be studied will be made available to the acting principal of the course and copies can be made for all participants if that is possible.
Each module is based on a manual [written by Paul Galligan or one of the team at Revival Ministries Australia] or a book, or teaching tracts.
Training to teach
In Cert III and IV, the participants are to do the teaching from the tracts, manuals and books, and are to lead the scripture studies. The goal of the instruction is to make disciples and then train the disciples to teach others.
Timetable and Content
We recommend that the school meets at least one half day per week and that at least two sessions are presented each day. Please note that some of the sessions in some of the manuals have recommended workshops that the students are expected to participate in.
Each course is the equivalent of nine modules. Normally a module is one manual and the books in the course are equal to 2 modules each. Some of the sessions are longer and an individual session may take up to three hours. Some of the sessions are shorter and therefore more sessions can be covered in one day. Most of the sessions are average length and we suggest two sessions per day.
Each session is normally a chapter of one of the manuals or the books. The students need to note the main points of each chapter's teaching as they study the material. When the study of the material is complete and the student has noted the main points, then each student is to write briefly how they see the word applying in the church today.
In the Cert III and IV there are two modules that are devoted to developing practical ministry skills - preaching and teaching set biblical topics. Each Certificate course should be successfully completed in approximately 30-40 weeks, following the above schedule.
For further information regarding the courses
contact Revival Ministries Australia or
Download our Discipleship to the Nations booklet - PDF

The following 9 modules are based on teaching manuals presented by Revival Ministries Australia. Module 10 is a Scripture study on the gospels of Matthew and Mark. There are no assessments prescribed but we encourage the teachers of the sessions to ensure that the students have understanding of, and are able to practise what is taught in each session. Some discipleship schools have devised assessment sheets but we have not been able to access and arrange such sheets.
Module One: PRAYER -
Prayer a way of life (PDF) (6 sessions)
1. Prayer: communication with God
2. Listening to God and talking to Him
3. The Lord's Prayer
4. Praying Scripture
5. Fasting
6. Praying in the Spirit
The Word and the Spirit (PDF) (7 sessions)
1. Salvation
2. The Word of God
3. Who is the Holy Spirit
4. The Holy Spirit comes: how to be filled
5. The Spiritual gifts
6. Going on to Maturity: the five-fold ministry
7. The seven grace gifts - Romans 12
Hebrews 6:1-2
1. What must we do to be saved?
2. Repentance from dead works
3. Faith toward God
4. The doctrine of Baptisms
5. Laying on of hands
6. Resurrection of the dead
7.Eternal Judgement
8.Going on to maturity
Please Note: Some of the sessions in this manual are long; we recommend that extra time is allowed.
Module Four: THE CHURCH -
1. Jesus will build His church
2. Jesus trains Apostles to lead and build
3. The Apostles obey-the Church emerges
4. The Church-the Body of Christ
5. The Church-the Bride of Christ
Module Five: THE CHURCH -
1. What is the church
2. Planting the church
3. Growing the church
4. Maturing the church
1. Introduction: the message of the cross; glorification is the goal
2. Justification
3. Sanctification
4. Sanctified by the Blood
5. Sanctified by the Word
6. Sanctified by the Spirit
7. Exploring the Glory
1. The church of the last days: a study in Ephesians, part one
2. The church of the last days: a study in Ephesians, part two
3. Returning to our first love: what are the first works
4. The Breaking of Bread in Scripture
5. The assurance of Zion's salvation: the role of consistent committed prayer
6. Salvation for the Gentiles: My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations
7. The Great Commission: a plan for evangelism
8. Entering into the gates of the Holy City
The five-fold ministry of Ephesians 4:11
1. Introduction to the five-fold ministry & reviewing
five-fold ministry gift in the book of Acts
2. Ministry gift of the Apostle
3. Ministry gift of the Prophet
4. Ministry gift of the Evangelist
5. Ministry gift of the Pastor
6. Ministry gift of the Teacher
7. Grace to grow to Maturity: Ephesians 4:7-16
1. Baptism
2. The Breaking of Bread
3. Tithing
4. Ministry in the house
5. Proclaiming apostolic doctrine, raising apostolic companies
6. Building the church
Some of these sessions are the equivalent of double sessions
Module Ten: PRACTICAL - Scripture Studies
The Gospels of Matthew and Mark (44 chapters);
At least one chapter per week is to be studied together being led by the course teacher. If the School is finishing before 44 weeks, the final chapters of Mark can be studied together to complete the book.
Module Eleven: PRACTICAL - Scripture Memorisation
One verse of Scripture per week is to be memorised.
N.B. Guidelines for Scripture memorisation are available but we recommend the course leader chooses verses from the context of the studies each week.
These are the details of the practical ministry required throughout Discipleship course I & II.
I ) The Lord's Supper
Many churches neglect celebration of the Lord's Supper. Some churches have communion once a month, some once in a while and some never. In the Scripture the Lord's Supper was celebrated daily in the early church (Acts2:42,46). Every time the discipleship class meets, we ask the disciples to celebrate the Lord's Supper and for the teacher of the course to lead and model its practise. We encourage you every time you partake to have an expectation to meet with Jesus.
Who can participate
Many churches have religious rules that have governed the conduct of the Lord's Supper and have excluded children from participating. We find that there are no such rules in the Scripture. The early Christians broke bread in the houses of the believers and we can rightly assume that every family member was included even as the Philippian jailer and his whole household were baptised in Acts 16:33.
Children obviously can have saving faith in Jesus Christ; therefore children with saving faith can participate in the Lord's Supper and can be baptised in water. Jesus specifically said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."Matt.19:14.
The elements used
Another issue that needs to be frankly looked at is the issue of the 'elements' used in the Lord's Supper. In the context of the Passover Meal in which Jesus gave us the Table, He used bread and wine, which were both Biblically and culturally accepted elements in that meal. However in Western Kenya, for example, it can be difficult to actually purchase bread as it is not part of the normal diet. Secondly we tend to use grape juice or some similar juice; we do not use wine as such, except in some of the older denominations.
Therefore it is quite acceptable to God to 'remember Jesus' in the context of the normal meal we participate in, that is, Ugali and Kenyan tea in the case of West Kenya. The real issue is to remember Jesus regularly in the context of the believers sharing a meal together
II) Practical Ministry - Bible study
Each student doing the certificate course needs to commit to daily reading of the Bible. We recommend reading the whole Bible in one year according to a prescribed plan. Simply begin reading according to the plan on the date you receive it. (Plans are available on request)
As an apostolic community we have been reading the Bible through annually for some years and we have been very blessed by being instructed by the Word through regular committed reading and study. Because the disciples are all reading the same passages of Scripture, this enriches our fellowship together.
This course involves seven manuals and the book "Walking in Our Inheritance". It totals eleven modules and some sessions of the manuals may take longer than others. You will notice in the curriculum that each chapter of the book is to be covered in two sessions.
PRACTICAL MINISTRY : The Lord's Table & Bible Study
Same as Discipleship Course I, please refer there for guidance.
Module One: EVANGELISM -
1. The Great Commission
2. Preach the Gospel, Cast out devils, Heal the Sick
3. Witnessing, discernment and leading another to Christ
4. Prayer Evangelism
5. Evangelism on the ground - the example of Luke 10
6. The Holy Spirit in the life of the believer
7. Evangelism and the power of God
8. The Gift of Evangelism and Equipping the Saints for the work of Evangelism
Module Two: PRAYER -
1. Introduction - understanding prayer and getting right with God
2. Jesus Christ - the focus of prayer
3. Praise in Prayer
4. Gifts of the Holy Spirit in prayer
5. The armour of God
6. Weapons of our warfare
7. Intercession
1. Groundwork: God's plan, go forth!
2. Prayer: the essential element in preparation and
3. Vision, strategy and work
4. Evangelism: bring in the harvest
5. The vision Jesus has for His church, Revelation 2:1-7
6. Prophecy: the ministry gift of the prophet and the
charismatic gift of Prophecy
1. Our Redeeming God: the story of redemption
2. The emergence of the five-fold ministry gift in the book of Acts
3. Levels of training and equipping in the church based on the five-fold ministry of Jesus
4. A Holy Priesthood: ministers for revival, a study of Ezekiel 44
5. The King Priest: who is Melchizedek? Tithing, the order of the royal Priesthood
6. The two anointed ones of Zechariah 4
7. The glory shall be a covering over all: a study of Isaiah chapter 4
1. The same Anointing that Jesus had
2. Who are Apostles and what do Apostles do?
3. The male child - the victorious church
4. Restoration of the Tabernacle of David - salvation for the Gentiles
5. The Tabernacle of Moses - entering the glory
6. That Great Day of the Feast - the Feasts of Israel in fulfilment
Module Six: LEADERSHIP -
1. Leadership - "Men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, full of wisdom"
2. Eldership - "Ordain elders in every place"
3. Part one: Lord of Hosts - covering, Zechariah 4
4. Part two: Lord of Hosts - covering, Elijah-Elisha relationship
5. What is apostles doctrine?
6. Aspects of apostolic doctrine
7. Biblical House church
8. Intercession - within the veil
Module Seven: LEADERSHIP -
1. Apostles are Fathers
2. Restoration - Why we need apostles
3. The Sons of Rechab - an apostolic company
4. Change of Leadership - the key of David, from Shebna to Eliakim
5. Unmasking the Jezebel spirit
6. The sons of Issacar - it is time to make Jesus King
Module Eight:
1. Glossary and Introduction
2. Becoming the Sons of God (2 sessions)
3. Called to be an Apostolic Company (2 sessions)
4. The Mystery of the Church (2 sessions)
Module Nine:
1. Jesus our Apostle (2 sessions)
2. Walking in our Inheritance (2 sessions)
3. The Day of the Saints (2 sessions)
4. Ruling and Reigning with Christ (2 sessions)
5. Conclusion and Testimonies
Module Ten: PRACTICAL - Scripture Studies
The Gospels of Luke and John (45 chapters).
At least one chapter per week to be studied together being led by the course teacher. If the school is finishing before 45 weeks the final chapters of John can be studied together to complete the book.
Module Eleven: PRACTICAL - Scripture Memorisation
One verse of Scripture per week is to be memorised.
N.B. Guidelines for Scripture memorisation are available but we recommend the course leader chooses verses from the context of the studies each week.
This Course will take the students deeper in the word of God and will be more focused on training and equipping the students to minister to others through practical ministry. The curriculum is nine modules, which includes four teaching manuals, the book "Apostles Today" and nine teaching tracts.
Each week a student should be assigned to minister by presenting a teaching from the teaching tracts on a particular subject (see Module seven for details). Also, each week in the Scripture Studies session (see Module eight for details), the students are to separate into small groups of 7-8 people. These groups are to have a different student each week assigned to lead the study.
Same as Discipleship Course I & II, except that now a different student should be assigned to minister the Lord's Table each week.
Module One:
1. Preface & Introduction
2. A Change of Leadership (2 sessions)
3. The Finished work of Jesus the Apostle (2 sessions)
4. Why we need Apostles Today (2 sessions)
Module Two:
1. Apostles are Fathers (2 sessions)
2. What is an Apostle? (2 sessions)
3. Characteristics of apostolic Ministry (2 sessions)
4. What is Apostolic Doctrine? (2 sessions)
5. The Apostolic Revelation & Apostolic Council
Each student is to write a testimony of how they came into the apostolic revelation and what it means to them. [one page minimum but no more than two pages of computer type]
Module Three:
1. First Level of Spiritual Warfare - Individual
2. Second Level of Spiritual Warfare - Local Church
3. Third Level of Spiritual Warfare - Against World Powers
4. Walking in Victory and Exhortation
5. Testimonies of Warfare
Module Four:
1. Introduction and The Beginning
2. The Gospel
4. 'CHRIST' the translation of MESSIAH
5. MESSIAH, the Great Ruler
6. Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ
7. The Son of God
1. The Call to Follow Jesus
2. Walking in the Power of the Resurrection
3. The Church that Jesus is Building
4. There is One... the Seven Ones
5. Biblical House Church
6. The Church that meets in Houses
7. The Third Day Church
8. Elijah is Coming First and will Restore all Things
9. The Man Child Company
10. Nature of an Overcoming People
11. The Apostolic Company
1. Introduction and Ministers of the Mystery
2. Great is the Mystery of Godliness
3. The Transformation of the Saints
4. Four parts Grace - Two parts Truth
5. Comfort one another with these Words
6. The Kingdom of God, the Coming of the Lord, the Message of Sonship
7. The Apostolic Revelation**
8. Why Sonship?
9. Experiencing the Grace of God
10. Aspects of the Doctrine of Sonship
11. The Fivefold Blessing of the Father
12. The Great Intercession
Module Seven:
PRACTICAL - Teaching from tracts on particular topics. Each student begins to teach.
Each student must be able to teach/preach for 20 minutes on nine of the subjects outlined in the tracts. Initially each student will present the teaching to the assembled class or if there is a larger group, a class needs to break into smaller groups to enable everyone to do their presentation. However once the students have had two or three practices they are then required to find a small group outside of the discipleship class to share the word with. This will be a real opportunity for each student to begin to reach out in ministry.
1. Is Anyone in Charge? (Evangelistic)
2. How do I Get Saved? (Evangelistic)
3. What is the Bible?
4. What Foundations are you Building on?
5. Who I am in Christ
6. Baptism
7. Which Church do You Belong to?
8. The Sufficiency of the Grace of God
9. Are there Apostles Today?
Module Eight:
PRACTICAL - Scripture Studies
A study of the books of Acts and Hebrews (41 chapters);
At least one chapter per week to be studied now with a student leading a small group of 7 to 8 people. If the school is finishing before 41 weeks the final chapters of Hebrews can be studied together to complete the book.
Module Nine:
PRACTICAL - Scripture Memorisation
Short passages of two to four verses per week are to be memorised .
N.B. Guidelines for Scripture memorisation are available but we recommend the course leader chooses verses from the context of the studies each week.
This course is a continuation of deeper studies in the word of God, as well as refreshing the students in the basic principles of Christ. There are Eleven modules which include seven manuals and ten teaching tracts. This Course functions the same as Course III (see introduction to Course III), with the focus being on training and equipping the students to minister through the teaching tracts (see Module nine) and the Scripture Study groups (see Module ten).
Same as Discipleship Course I & II, except that now a different student should be assigned to minister the Lord's Table each week.
1. What do you say about Jesus?
Who is Jesus? His Life (Part 1)
Who is Jesus? His Life (Part 2)
2. Who is Jesus? His Death (Part 1)
Who is Jesus? His Death (Part 2)
3. Who is Jesus? His Resurrection (Part 1)
Who is Jesus? His Resurrection (Part 2)
4. Truth Revealed
Where do I go From Here?
5. What is the Bible?
To be Born again
What must I do to be saved?
6. Repentance from dead Works
Faith toward God
7. Doctrine of Baptisms
Laying on of Hands
1. Resurrection of the Dead (Part 1)
Resurrection of the Dead (Part 2)
Eternal Judgement
2. Let us go on to Perfection (Part 1)
Let us go on to Perfection (Part 2)
3. The first works of the Church
The Breaking of Bread
What is Prayer?
4. The Lord's Prayer (Part 1)
The Lord's Prayer (Part 2)
5. Who is the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
Who is the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
6. The Holy Spirit comes - How to be filled
How does God guide?
Module Three:
1. Introduction
Abiding in the Word
Answered Prayer - The Fruit of a Disciple
2. Loving and Serving as Jesus Loved
3. What Prohibits a man from being a Disciple?
4. Characteristics of a Disciple
The Responsibilities of a Disciple
5. Sent into the World as Jesus was Sent
The Empowering of the Disciple
The Disciple's Charge
Module Four:
- That I may Worship Him
1. The Blessed Hope
The Generation of Sons is Arising
2. Apostolic Succession
3. Established in the Gospel
4. Chosen to know His Will
5. The Manifestation of the Name
6. Washed in the Apostolic - a revelation of the Son of God (John 9)
1. Jesus and the Bride - Are you in love with Jesus?
2. The City will be Built
3. The Church has Foundations
4. Living the Perfect Life
5. When the Church Prays
6. Steps to Glory
7. The Dwelling Place of God
8. The Church! The Kingdom!
9. Apostles - The Master Builders
10. Apostolic Theology
Module Six:
1. In My Father's House
2. Workers for the Harvest
3. The Wheat and the Tares
4. The Reality of the Rapture? (Part 1)
5. The Reality of the Rapture? (Part 2)
6. The Reality of the Rapture? (Part 3)
7. The Reality of the Rapture? (Part 4)
8. As in the Days of Noah
9. The Victorious Gospel
10. Key Words in Matthew 24:39-41
Module Seven:
1. Sacrifices Acceptable to God
2. Tithing and Giving in the Church Today
3. Feed your belly and fill your stomach - Ezekiel 3:3
4. Paul's Charge to Timothy - 1 Timothy
5. The Commission
6. The Shaking and the Signet
Module Eight:
1. Only Speak the Word
2. Go and Make Disciples
3. A Band of Disciples
4. Sons to Glory
5. Salvation of Your Souls
6. Day of Atonement
7. Apostolic Company
8. Jesus the Apostle
9. The Glory of God is to fill the Earth
10. A Message of Hope
Module Nine:
PRACTICAL - Teaching from tracts on particular topics. Each student begins to teach.
Each student must be able to teach/preach for 20 minutes on nine of the subjects outlined in the tracts. Initially each student will present the teaching to the assembled class or if there is a larger group, a class needs to break into smaller groups to enable everyone to do their presentation.
However once the students have had two or three practices they are then required to find a small group outside of the discipleship class to share the word with. This will be a real opportunity for each student to begin to reach out in ministry.
1. The Glory of Christ
2. The Church is the Body of Christ
3. God has made us Kings and Priests
4. Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest
5. Jesus said: "Do this is in remembrance of Me"
6. Put on the whole Armour of God
7. Who are Apostles?
8. What is Sonship?
9. Tithing - a means to Dominion
10. God's Goal for His Church is to come to Maturity
Module Ten: PRACTICAL - Scripture Studies
A study of the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. If the course is divided up into four terms, each term you will study through one of these books dividing the book into a passage per week that completes one book per term.
Module Eleven: PRACTICAL - Scripture Memorisation
Short passages of two to four verses per week are to be memorised.
N.B. Guidelines for Scripture memorisation are available but we recommend the course leader chooses verses from the context of the studies each week