
An Apostolic Ministry to the Nations
And every day, in the temple and at home, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus as the Christ. - Acts 5:42
"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light; who once were not a people, but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy" 1Pet.2:9-10.
There are many descriptions of us as an apostolic people, calling us back to our Scriptural identity that God has given us in Jesus the Messiah.
The word for 'chosen', is the Greek eklektos and means to 'gather out of' or 'to pick out'. God has chosen us:
He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless (Eph.1:4).
He chose us in love to become the sons by Jesus Christ to Himself. We are to manifest God in the flesh; we are to manifest His glory. How awesome is our God (Eph.1:5,Rom.8:18-19).
We were predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom.8:29).
God foreknew us; this means He knew us beforehand, before the world was created.
In the natural, it is through a seed nurtured in a woman to become a child. In the spiritual it is through the seed of the word of God, the imperishable seed (1Pet.1:23). This seed brings forth fruit after its own kind. This generation that is to come forth is the fruit of the word being preached. We are regenerated by the word (Titus 3:5).
We must be preachers of the pure word of God to bring forth a generation of the word. There is a famine for the word of God, but when the word of God is preached again, the word will bring forth fruit (1Sam.3:1-19).
"This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face" Ps.24:6. We can be this generation: a generation of lost and broken people who have been born again to become the children of God and who are able to grow up to the time and place of total transformation. Jacob was twisted in his flesh, but Jacob wanted to change. He would not let the Man from heaven go until he, Jacob, was changed. It is time to be like Jacob and seriously seek God; to seriously seek His face.
Appointed to eternal life
When Paul and Barnabas preached the word in Antioch in Pisidia, amongst much disturbance and opposition, the Scripture says, "Now when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed" Acts 13:48. The chosen generation is the generation which is appointed. We need to be serious about God's appointment of us. There are more to find to fill up this generation; they will only hear if someone is sent to preach (Rom.10:14-17).
We are to reign on the earth as kings and priests (Rev.5:10). The time will come when "the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" (Rev.11:15), and we shall reign with Him.
Kings administer the word of God governmentally; they decree and declare the word of God, exercising the keys of the kingdom of heaven (Matt.16:19). They make sure that the word of God is known. When kings speak, they must be heard because they have kingly authority.
Every home will be a home of discipleship; children will be growing up as disciples, knowing the word of God. There will be no misuse of the internet; no silly worldly games! Let us live as Christians, reigning "in life through the One, Jesus Christ" (Rom.5:17).
It is worship and prayer at the altar of incense: is there an altar in your home? Is there a time and a place to meet the Lord? Is the Table of the Lord celebrated in the home?
"But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all conduct, because it is written, 'Be holy for I am holy'" 1Pet.1:15-16. How do we become holy? How do we become a holy nation? The Scripture says, "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" 1Pet.1:13. This means putting on the belt of truth; this means filling our minds with the word of God.
We are holy by "not conforming ourselves to the former lusts" but as obedient children living our time on the earth in godly fear (1Pet.1:14&17). Elsewhere Paul says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Rom.12:2. Being holy is being changed by the word and the Spirit to become more like God, living in His kingdom and not living in the world and loving the things of this world (1Jn.2:15).
A nation came forth from Jacob through his twelve sons. The holy nation comes forth as a result of genuine apostolic ministry. The names of the original apostles of the Lamb are set upon the twelve foundations of the wall of the holy city (Rev.21:14). The city is built from a nation, a holy nation.
The commonwealth of Israel
Before we came to Christ, we were "aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ" Eph.2:12-13. Now in Christ we share in all the promises and the glory and the adoption promised to Israel. There is no hierarchy or partiality in a commonwealth, everybody is included; everybody is benefited.
"Our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works" Titus 2:13b-14. To redeem means to buy back. Jesus has redeemed us; He has acquired us; we are His purchased possession!
What does this people look like? Ephesians 5:18-21 describe a special people:
God calls us a nation; God calls us a people; God calls us a generation; God calls us a priesthood. All of these terms refer to many, not to one or even to a few. This is the apostolic people of God.
This people has been delivered from darkness and "conveyed into the kingdom of the Son of His love" (Col.1:13).
This people "have obtained mercy" (1Pet.2:10). Paul said that he had obtained mercy, because he "did it ignorantly in unbelief" (1Tim.1:13). He had been an arrogant man, a persecutor of the church and a blasphemer. We can all change and we are to change and we will change as we submit to the word of God by the Spirit of grace and supplication.
In the midst of warning us of the severe judgement that will come upon the earth to those who live by the elementary principles and evil spirits that are in the world, Peter challenges us as to our manner of life (2Pet.3:10-11). Our behaviour should be characterised by holy conduct and godliness. We are "looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God" (v.12).
This is an amazing proposition that Peter presents to us: the judgement of the world [this age] is inevitable! Judgement of fire [fervent heat] will dissolve and melt [expose and destroy] all that is ungodly. Jesus said "The Son of Man will send out His messengers and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire" Matt.13:41-42a.
"Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for a new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless and consider that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation" 2Pet.3:14-15a.
It is the ekklesia: the called out ones, the picked out ones, those chosen (Matt.16:18)
It is the church: the house of God, which is the pillar and ground of the truth (1Tim.3:15)
They are the body of Messiah, many people; people will see the Messiah in the people who represent and manifest Christ. It will be the perfect man of Ephesians 4:13.
Respond to the call of God - it is costly.
We need to be discipled and taught in the word, which is the truth; the truth only comes by revelation and then by deep understanding.
We need to be trained and equipped to be sent out into the world to witness.
We become a functioning member of His body as we grow up under the ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph.4:11-16).
Paul Galligan
First of all we apologise for the lateness of this newsletter and for the lack of a newsletter in June. We have been fully absorbed in preparing for the international training school and then hosting ten international apostolic leaders from eight nations for four weeks intensive training here in Toowoomba
The following are diary entries that Nicholas Jackson put on Revival Ministries Australia Facebook page. If you are able to check the facebook page, there are many photos accompanying each of the entries. He wrote:
First Week: We are in the midst of the first week of the Shiloh International Apostolic School! Apostles and brethren from Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Philippines, Myanmar, Colombia, Canada and Fiji are here. There have been awesome sessions of teaching on: "An Apostolic People", "The Apostolic Pattern", "The Apostolic Purpose", "Apostles the wise master builders", Building according to the Pattern", "The Church has foundations", "The Doctrine of Christ", "The Name of Jesus" and "The Son of God". It is rich. Packed with revelation! The International Ecclesia convening and assembling to plot the takeover of nations for Jesus!
End of first week: First week of International Apostolic School has been profound in the purposes of God. Yesterday and today we had sessions on "The Wheat and the Tares", "Making Disciples", "The Apostolic Call" and "Adoption as sons".
This morning the Holy Spirit visited us deeply, imparting a spiritual gift to us so that we might be established (Romans 1:11). Awesome manifestation of the Spirit to confirm the deep work of transformation Jesus is doing in our lives.
The apostolic call is to become sons who are planted in the world, ggrid-x grid-margin-xing up to maturity, in order for the kingdom of God to manifest, by bringing nations to obedience of the faith for the name of Jesus!
Sunday Fellowship at Shiloh. A mix of International brethren and apostles ministered. Colombian worship. Nigeria and Myanmar giving testimony and encouragement. Philippines bringing us to the Table of the Lord. Uganda preaching the Word.
In the midst of it all Josiah Micah Jackson, the newborn son of Nick and Rhoda, was dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ powerfully.
Sons are rising in the nations! Sons who rule with Jesus and walk with the Father doing His works and inheriting nations.
Second week: of Shiloh International Apostolic School. It is amazing how quickly two weeks in the Lord Jesus goes.
Sons are rising in the nations who will deliver creation from its bondage to corruption and bring their nations into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:19-21).
What is your vision? Are you just wanting to go to heaven or are you looking unto the hope of glory? The knowledge of the glory of Yahweh will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14)! How will this happen? Through being obedient to make disciples (not church members/attenders), train ministers and raise sons who will manifest the glory of Messiah throughout the earth.
The nations, the kingdom and the earth are the inheritance of the sons of God! Psalm 2:7-8, Matthew 13:43, Matthew 5:5.
Week Three International School continues. Apostle Dorcas from Kenya shared a very powerful word from Joel 2 on the army of the Lord. Brother Julius from Kenya shared a devotional about learning how to suffer for being righteous (righteous means that you are positioned in God). Apostle George Muteti from Kenya led us in prayer and to the Lord's Table.
All the International brethren and some locals gave feedback regarding the first 2 weeks of the school. Everyone is in agreement that this is an historic school in the purposes of God globally. We are being equipped to take nations apostolically (Romans 1:5).
At missions prayer meeting in beginning of 3rd week of school. 25 nations were prayed for by name: Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Japan, Peru, Egypt, Jordan, Nepal, Iraq, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Lithuania, China, South Korea, North Korea, Italy, Panama, Norway, Iceland, Laos, Somalia, Tibet, Ireland & Thailand. "My House shall be called a house of Prayer for all nations" Isaiah 56:7.
3rd week of Shiloh International Training School.
The format has been much more informal and interactive "reasoning daily in the school of Tyrranus" (Acts 19:9-10).
Topics of note have been: "Returning to the first love, doing the first works", "Ministry gift of Apostle", "Ministry of New Testament Prophet", "Baptism", "Biblical Meditation", "Sonship", and a Bible Research class on "Transformation" and "Renewing".
On Thursday, God moved in a beautiful way as we prayed for healing and reconciliation between aboriginal and white Australians in Christ.
Saturday in the Shiloh Apostolic Family.
Breakfast with Stephen Downey from Pocket Testament League. He shared powerful testimony of his life in Christ and released grace to us to share God's Word with the lost.
Saturday night at Cabarlah. Joy filled fellowship around dinner and worship.
God's presence is so precious!
Sunday morning at Shiloh. Apostle Paul Galligan was honoured by the Kenyan brethren according to Zechariah 4:10. "Who has despised the day of small things?" The fruit of the ministry is becoming very evident.
Pastor Col Krueger shared deeply about the glory being fully revealed in us-Jesus residing in our genes! (Romans 8:18, John 14:20)
Apostle George Muteti brought an excellent word regarding what we must be aware of as disciples. (Hebrews 4:12, 2Corinthians 10:5).Rich fellowship!
Training continued this last week. International brethren left Sunday.
The Word has been strong meat. We have been reasoning together-a real school of Tyrranus (Acts 19:9-10). Are you a serious disciple? Are you 100% committed to Jesus, the gospel and the great commission? Nations are waiting to be taken as an inheritance for King Jesus (Psalm 2:6-8). It is time to bring them to the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5).
"Now on the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood up and cried out, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me as the Scriptures have said, out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:37-38). It is time to release the River!
Commissioning Day at Shiloh International Apostolic Training School. A strong commissioning word to the apostles with some celebration of the time together. Romans 1:5 - "Through Christ we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name"
Commissioning apostles to go to the nations! Brother Wilson Kitondekigya from Uganda was also ordained into the ministry of apostle of Jesus Christ. What an awesome day in Jesus Christ. An historic time in God's eternal purpose being fulfilled. Ephesians 2:20-21 - the Holy Temple is growing and being fitted together worldwide as apostles are once again being laid as foundations for God's house!
A big thank you to all who supported the school financially. We were able to sponsor nine of the international delegates. We received wonderful support and help from the local Shiloh Community. Thank you also to everyone who made an effort to attend at least some of the school. Paul and Janet.
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I'm happy to let you know that Katri´s [Simo's wife of a few weeks] visa for Russia arrived today. We are about ready to go soon for our next destination in the Lord.
Katri has couple of exams to do in university this week. The starting day of the visa is 7th of august which is the Thursday next week so on Thursday the seventh we will cross the border. We will stay in Russia till the 27th of September when we go and have 3 days of meetings in Estonia. Now I'm also waiting for the plans to be confirmed to Latvia and also to Balkan nations. Exciting times. Big things happening. In the end of this week we will move to Kotka to my parents place which is near the Russian border.
This week we will still meet with the disciples in the house. It's been successful; many people been attending lately. Also this week we are going to meet with many different brothers and sisters and share the heart of God before we leave the country.
We have also got some good testimonies of the healings that Jesus had done. One man healed from allergies and one young man got his eyesight restored. I have also received restoration to my eyesight. I had to get new pair of glasses and after my eyes were examined they were afraid to drop the strength of the lenses so much but I said go for it! I believe that this is the last pair of glasses that I will have to get. My eyesight will be totally restored. Thank you Jesus!
We are very thankful for God for all the friends we have made in this short time in Finland. There is a real family getting built. We are especially thankful for Mauri who has allowed us to stay in His house. Also we are thankful for Jesus that we can see the fruit of the apostolic ministry already in Finland. We are happy that we were able to get fellowship started in Mauri´s house and he will keep it going with all the brothers and sisters. Glory to God!
Greetings to all the family in Christ. Love, Glory and blessings. Simo and Katri